A canopy bed is a decorative bed similar to a four poster bed but with a top to it. A typical canopy bed usually features posts at each of the four corners extending four feet high or more above the mattress. Ornate or decorative fabric is often draped across the upper space between the posts of the bed and a solid swath of cloth may create a ceiling, or canopy directly over the bed. The modern version of the four poster canopy bed is often left undraped. Canopy four poster beds make a dramatic design statement for the Bedroom.
The canopy four poster bed came into existence more from practical purposes than that of extravagance or decadence. The the earliest incarnations were probably beds of common people seeking an additional layer of shelter and warmth beyond that of a less-than-impenetrable thatched roof. Canopy beds with curtains that could completely enclose the bed were used by lords and noblemen in medieval Europe for warmth and privacy, as their attendants often slept in the same room. Please take the poll in the right hand column and let us know which is your favourite Four Poster Canopy Bed.
1. Top Picture - An antique four poster canopy bed by Stephen Sills Associates.
2. Viceroy Mayakoba features this distinctive four poster canopy bed with a canopy of woven reed textile.
3. 'Loire' Four Poster Canopy Bed by Niermann Weeks One hundred years ago you would find
four poster canopy beds like this in colonial hotels and residences in the four corners of the world.
The distinctive "bell or square top" was originally conceived for attachment of mosquito netting.
4. Bodie and Frau Four Poster Canopy Bed is Perfect for draping or leaving open & fresh.
5. 'Turner' Four Poster Canopy Bed in Natural Cherry by Restoration Hardware.
6. 'Willa' Four Poster Canopy Bed Oly Studio.
7. One of my favourites is the ultimate 'Daydream' Four Poster Canopy Bed from Dedon.
It is designed for outdoor use, but I think that it could make the transition to indoors quite nicely.
8. 'Valois' Four Poster Canopy Bed from Niermann Weeks in Venetian silver leaf with antiqued mirrored panels.
9. A Huanghuali Six-Poster Canopy Bed with Latticework Railings, Jiazichuang.
17th Century Christies Images Corbus
10. 'Arezzo' Four Poster Canopy Bed Richelieu Mahogany by Niermann Weeks.
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Patricia Gray writes about 'WHAT'S HOT 'in the world of Interior Design, new and emerging trends, modern design,
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